Group companies
Investee companies of GRUPO WHITENI SOCIMI, S.A.
- GRUPO WHITENI SOCIMI, S.A. constitutes and founds the trading company WHITENI FOMENTO SOCIMI SL, a listed real estate investment company, whose share capital is wholly owned by GRUPO WHITENI SOCIMI, S.A., with GRUPO WHITENI SOCIMI, S.A. as its sole director.
- Its corporate purpose is the same as that of GRUPO WHITENI SOCIMI, S.A.
- Acquisition and development of urban real estate for lease.
- The holding of shares in the capital of other SOCIMIs or in the capital of other entities not resident in Spanish territory that have the same corporate purpose as the former and are subject to a regime similar to that established for the SOCIMIS in terms of the mandatory legal or statutory profit distribution policy.
- The holding of shares in the capital of other entities, whether resident or not in Spanish territory, whose main corporate purpose is the acquisition of urban real estate for lease and which are subject to the same regime established for SOCIMIs in terms of the mandatory legal or statutory profit distribution policy and which meet the investment requirements referred to in Article 3 of the SOCIMIs Act.
- The holding of shares or units of Collective Real Estate Investment Undertakings regulated in Law 35/2003, of 4 November, on Collective Investment Undertakings, or the regulation that replaces it in the future.
- Together with the economic activity derived from the main corporate purpose, the SOCIMI may carry out other ancillary activities, understood as those which together represent less than 20% of the company's income in each tax period or those which may be considered ancillary in accordance with the law applicable at any given time.
On 12/16/2020 GRUPO WHITENI SOCIMI, S.A. acquired the company "PROYECTOS Y PROMOCIONES LEGAZPI, SL", a real estate development company whose origin was in Estepona (Malaga) and is currently based in Madrid.
- La Sociedad se constituye en Mahón en junio de 2022 para el desarrollo de vivienda unifamiliar ubicada en la urbanización Coves Noves, al norte de la isla de Menorca.
- A construction permit was obtained on June 20, 2022, and the works extended over a period of one year and eight months.
- The First Occupancy License was requested in April 2024 and granted in September of the same year.
- Currently, the residence, featuring five bedrooms and three bathrooms, situated on an elevated slope within the urbanization with sea views, is listed for sale by the real estate agency Bonnin Sanso, under reference number 91735.